Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Video 4: How to Inspire Students to Own Their Learning (4/4)

Inspiring them to own thier education and thier life requires:

Metacognition 元认知能力:
Thinking about your thinking. It means to position your self above the problem and see it from a macro(meta) perspective.

"You do less and making them do more"

Twelve Conclusions I've Drawn About Learning
1. Students support what they help create (more pushing less pulling)
2. Students learn better when they expect to teach what they learn (pass on to someone else)
3. Students are incentivized if they know why a topic is relevant beforehand (talk more about why vs what)
4. Students engage more holistically when music is connected to the subject (Learn ABC through music)
5. Students retain more when they physically gesture what they learn (not just audio but visual as well)
6. Students grasp new subjects when teachers connect it to familiar subjects (analogy or metaphor)

Source: Video 4: How to Inspire Students to Own Their Learning by Tim Elmore

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