Monday, June 5, 2023

Interpretation Learning - May 2023


  1. Measles 麻疹
  2. Diphtheria 白喉症
  3. Hepatitis B B性肝炎
  4. Polio 小儿麻痹症
  5. Tetanus 破伤风
  6. Migraine 偏头痛
  7. Painkiller 止痛药 
  8. Steroids 类固醇
  9. Kidney failure 肾衰竭 
  10. Paramedic 助症医生(a person who is trained to give medical help, especially in an emergency, but who is not a doctor or a nurse)
  11. Stye 麦粒肿 (红眼症)
  12. Conjunctivitis 结膜炎(红眼)
  13. Narrow one’s eye 眯眼
  14. Run-off 流失
  15. Colossal (enormous) 庞大
  16. Tuberculosis (TB) 结核病

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Interpretation Learning - April 2023

  1. Tenacity 韧性
  2. Feckless 鲁莽地 (lacking initiative / strength of character)
  3. Feebly 无力地
  4. Gropingly 摸索着
  5. Perilous 危险地 (full of danger/risk)
  6. Wit 机智 (keen intelligence)
  7. Floaters 飞蚊症 (Floaters are small dark shapes that float across your vision)
  8. 稻草人 Scarecrow 
  9. Hysteria 歇斯底里(形容因情绪过分激动而举止失常 hysteria (A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria)
  10. Indignity 侮辱 (treatment/circumstance causes one to feel shame or to lose one’s of dignity)
  11. Oblivion 遗忘
  12. Formidable 强大
  13. Cordon 警戒线
  14. impeccable 无懈可击 (in accordance with the highest standards)
  15. Knitting Wool 编织棉布
  16. Pen Holder 笔筒
  17. Bowknot 蝴蝶结
  18. Orator 演说者
  19. Commemorate 记念
  20. inexplicable 莫名其妙 (unable to be explained: for some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank) 
  21. Mirage (illusion) 海市蜃楼
  22. Inexorable 不可拦阻的 (impossible to stop/prevent)
  23. Conspicuous (very obvious) 显眼的
  24. Pedestal (supporting base) 基架
  25. scandalous 可耻的
  26. Despotic 专制/暴君
  27. Whim 一时兴起
  28. Rummage 临检
  29. Vehemently 强烈地
  30. avid 狂热地
  31. Periphery 周边/外围
  32. Impregnable 坚不可摧
  33. Sinews 胫骨
  34. Strenuous 非常吃力/费劲的
  35. Chinatown 唐人街
  36. Vortex 涡流
  37. Terrestrial Globe 地球仪
  38. Rose Apple/Bell-Fruit/Jambu 水翁
  39. imminently (very soon) 迫在眉睫

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Interpretation learning - March 2023

  1. Treason 叛国罪
  2. Forcep (nie)
  3. ammunition 弹药
  4. Risk 风险
  5. Engulf (sweep over) 吞噬 (Shi)
  6. Double down (to strengthen commitment) 加倍下注
  7. Embattle 布阵
  8. Pundit 专家/权威 (an expert in a particular subject/field who is frequently called to give an opinion)
  9. Climbdown 妥协 a withdrawal from a position taken up in argument or negotiation.
  10. Potty 便壶 (a bowl use by small children as a toilet)
  11. Door plug 门塞
  12. melancholy 忧郁的 (an air of melancholy surrounded him) 
  13. Syringe 注射器
  14. Drooping 下垂 (eyelid drooping 眼皮下垂)
  15. Amputated 截肢 (cut off by surgical operation)
  16. Showdown 摊牌 (a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute)
  17. 木薯 Cassava (木薯根茎) / Tapioca (木薯淀粉)
  18. Defamation 毁谤
  19. Infamous 声名狼藉 (well known for some bad qualities/deeds)
  20. Rest on your laurels 居功自傲不求进步 (to be satisfied with your achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else)
  21. Laurels 赞誉 (praise, award, recognition)
  22. Vanity 虚荣
  23. Pangolin 穿山甲

Friday, March 3, 2023

Interpretation Learning - Feb 2023


  1. Ovary 軟巢
  2. Uterus 子宫
  3. Switch 开关
  4. Fart 放屁
  5. Taken aback 吃了一惊
  6. Sneeze 打喷嚏
  7. Set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
  8. Successfully concluded 圆满地结束
  9. Dusk 黄昏
  10. Anthropomorphic 拟人化 (Biblical statements about God’s jealousy are anthropomorphism)
  11. Hangover 宿醉 (a severe headache caused by excessive drinking of alcohol)
  12. 插花 flower arrangement 
  13. Forensic 法庭的 
  14. Constituent 有选举权 (the constituent body has a right to veto)
  15. Allege 声称/断言
  16. Veto 否决
  17. 歇斯底里 (形容因情绪过分激动而举止失常 hysteria (A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria)
  18. Galvanize (electrify)  镀锌 (Du Xin)
  19. soteriology 救赎论

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Interpretation learning - Jan 2023

  1. Epitaph 墓志铭
  2. Rampant 猖獗
  3. Eulogy 悼词 dàocí
  4. Tickling Náo痒痒的
  5. Drifting 飘逸
  6. Peeking 偷看
  7. Purge 清除 (Remove)
  8. indigitous 卑鄙的
  9. Crumple 弄皱zhòu
  10. Jenga (Staking Blocks) 叠叠乐
  11. pangolin 穿山甲
  12. Corn flakes 玉米片
  13. Waffle 华夫饼
  14. Pan cake 煎饼
  15. Cause Trouble 捣乱
  16. Abhorrent 可恶的
  17. Amok 疯狂地 (The soldiers ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed)
  18. Apostasy 叛教
  19. persimmon 柿子
  20. Guava 番石榴
  21. Canistel (peach of immorality) 仙桃 
  22. Peach /桃子
  23. Yogurt 酸奶
  24. espionage 间谍
  25. Taco 炸玉米饼
  26. Incentive 奖掖
  27. Crouch 蹲伏
  28. Pomelo 柚子
  29. ousted (expel) 被赶下台/逐出
  30. Poaching 偷猎
  31. Retribution 报应/

Monday, January 2, 2023

Interpretation Learning - Dec 2022

 1 “他必兴旺,我必衰微。」” 约翰福音‬ ‭3:30‬ ‬‬”He must become greater; I must become less.” John‬ ‭3:30‬ ‭‬‬

2 “弟兄们,我不是以为自己已经得着了;我只有一件事,就是忘记背后,努力面前的, 向着标竿直跑,要得 神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。” 腓立比书‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭

香膏 Perfume 

三十块钱 Thirty silver coins 

无名英雄 Unsung Hero

双列停车 Double parking 

颠覆 overturn 

箱鼓 Cajon 

亭子 Pavilion