Sunday, April 2, 2023

Interpretation learning - March 2023

  1. Treason 叛国罪
  2. Forcep (nie)
  3. ammunition 弹药
  4. Risk 风险
  5. Engulf (sweep over) 吞噬 (Shi)
  6. Double down (to strengthen commitment) 加倍下注
  7. Embattle 布阵
  8. Pundit 专家/权威 (an expert in a particular subject/field who is frequently called to give an opinion)
  9. Climbdown 妥协 a withdrawal from a position taken up in argument or negotiation.
  10. Potty 便壶 (a bowl use by small children as a toilet)
  11. Door plug 门塞
  12. melancholy 忧郁的 (an air of melancholy surrounded him) 
  13. Syringe 注射器
  14. Drooping 下垂 (eyelid drooping 眼皮下垂)
  15. Amputated 截肢 (cut off by surgical operation)
  16. Showdown 摊牌 (a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute)
  17. 木薯 Cassava (木薯根茎) / Tapioca (木薯淀粉)
  18. Defamation 毁谤
  19. Infamous 声名狼藉 (well known for some bad qualities/deeds)
  20. Rest on your laurels 居功自傲不求进步 (to be satisfied with your achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else)
  21. Laurels 赞誉 (praise, award, recognition)
  22. Vanity 虚荣
  23. Pangolin 穿山甲

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