Saturday, September 11, 2021

Interpretation Learning - Sep 2021

  1. 发端/开始时 onset 
  2. 仙女 Fairy
  3. 保济丸 Po Chai Pills  (Abdominal, Stomach Ache Relief)
  4. 斧标驱风油 Axe Brand Medicated Oil
  5. 驱风油 Pain Relieving Oil
  6. 黑道 Criminals
  7. 白道 Law Enforcers
  8. 知识库 Knowledge Treasury
  9. 意识 Connotation
  10. Polytheism 多神论
  11. Pantheism 泛神论
  12. 才子 Literary Genius / Gifted Scholar
  13. 邓丽君 Teresa Teng 
  14. 圆寂 parinirvana (perfect death)
  15. 直接 right to our face (directly) 
  16. 百病不侵/百毒不侵 Immune to Diseases
  17. 无敌 invincible (too powerful to be defeated or overcome)