Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Jesus was not born on AD = 0? 为什么耶稣不在公元0年出世?

2 reasons as below:
1) There is no AD=0
2) Jesus was neither born on AD=1, because of miscalculation in the establishment of AD dating system.

3 sources as below:

西元(公元)的定义是由第六世纪时的修士Dionysius Exiguus推算出来的,一般而言大家都以为耶稣基督出生那年是西元元年一位在第六世纪于北欧出生的修士,计算了耶稣(JesusOfNazareth)出生的年份为罗马建城后754年。于是他以这一年作为公元的元年,从此沿用至今。西徐亚(Scythia︰现在的摩达维亚Moldavia)地方的修道院院长「矮子但尼斯」(DionysiusExiguus)推算复活节时,他想到何不用耶稣纪元呢?因此,以耶稣出生后的第二年为耶稣纪元元年。从各种资料推算,他认为当时已经到了耶纪五二五年。耶稣纪元从此就渐渐传开来使用,变成了西元纪年,公元纪年。

不过,他的计算错误了,因为耶稣的出生一定在大黑落德(HEROD THE GREAT)逝世之前。根据现代研究得来的资料,我们肯定:

公元就是我们现在用的西元(英文是 anno Domini,缩写A.D.)是从耶稣诞生起算。
公元前,也就是耶稣诞生之前啰,英文是before Christ,缩写B.C.
公元是英文"Common Era"(CE)的翻译,
而公元前是"Before Common Era"(BCE).
西元是英文的"Anno Domini"(AD),
西元前是"Before Christ"(BC).

Source: http://www.lezhutang.com/question-htm-id-51296.html

The year of Christ's birth
Jesus wasn't born in A.D. 0 either. In 525 Pope John I commissioned the scholar Dionysius Exiguus to establish a feast calendar for the Church. Dionysius also estimated the year of Christ's birth based upon the founding of the city of Rome. Unfortunately because of insufficient historical data he arrived at a date at least a few years later than the actual event.

Source: http://www.new-life.net/chrtms10.htm

Was Jesus born on December 25th, 0 A.D.?
Our secular calendar has a long history. Originally the first month was March, so that the seventh month was September (septem = 7), and the 10th was December (decem = 10).

"The opening of the year was moved from 1 March to 1 January, probably in 153 B.C" (J.B. Segal, The Hebrew Passover, London: Oxford UP, 1963, p. 121).
Of course, it wasn't "B.C." back then, it was "AUC" - "years from the founding of the city of Rome." It stayed "AUC" until the Western Roman Empire was overthrown. So Pope John I asked a monk named Dionysius Exiguus to figure out how many years it had been since the birth of Jesus. He said 531 years, so the Pope announced that the next year would be called 532 A.D. (Anno Domini = Year of the Lord). It is now generally thought that Jesus was born 4 B.C. So B.C. now stands for "Before the Christian Era = B.C.E.", not "Before the birth of Christ". There was no year zero, so we count the years as 4 B.C., 3 B.C., 2 B.C., 1 B.C., 1 A.D., 2 A.D..... This is the year 2001 A.D., so it is 2004 years since the birth of Jesus. There was another little miscalculation which meant that each year was a bit too long. A change of a few days was initiated by Pope Gregory XIII in the 1500s. The standard secular calendar is now the Gregorian calendar. About 7,000 A.D. our calendar will be 1 day incorrect and will need further correction.

Source: http://www.abcog.org/dec25.htm

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