Sunday, August 1, 2021

Interpretation Learning - Aug 2021

  1.  没有难成的事 Nothing is too hard (impossible)
  2. 无论得时不得时 in season and out of season
  3. 逗留 stay put
  4. 叛逆 Rebellious
  5. 举荐信 Letter of recommendation
  6. 跺下脚下的尘土 shake off the dust of your feet
  7. 阴影 Shadow
  8. 误会 Take me wrong/misunderstand
  9. 既然 Since
  10. 饭碗 Livelihood (rice bowl)
  11. 传家之宝 family heirloom
  12. 火葬 cremation 
  13. 土葬 Burial 
  14. 天空相遇 To meet in the air
  15. 不管 Regardless of/No matter
  16. 裹足不前 Hold back
  17. 无情 ruthless
  18. 落户 (指在某地报入户口,长期定居)Settle down
  19. 让步 give in (Health give in)

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