- 韵律 Prosody (the patterns of stress and intonation in a language)
- 语义映射 Semantic Mapping
- 語域 Register (linguistics) (the degree of formality of language)
- 不是那么理想的家庭背景 Rough Upbringing/Background
- 名望 Good reputation/Well Known
- 根据 Basis
- 补白 Fillers (Em..Er..You know..)
- 静音补白 Muted Fillers
- 降服在他的领导 Submit (instead of surrender) to his leadership
- 优点和缺点 Strength & Weakness
- 讲道理 reason things out
- 事后分析 Postmortem
- 语料库 Corpus
- 酸碱 Acid & base (alkaline)
- 民间信仰 Folk Religion
- 交易观 Notion of transaction
- 儿女经火 Sacrifice of children
- 燔祭 Burnt Offering
- 管家 Butler
- 对信仰的不纯正 Corrupted faith
- 后(交)传 Consecutive
- 同传 Simultaneous interpretation
- 标准英音 RP Receive Pronunciation=Standard English (is the instantly recognisable accent)
- 极乐世界 paradise
- 笔译 Written translation
Other Comments/Learning
- “You know.." is an informal register which we want to avoid in a formal setting.
- Whisper interpreting (the interpreter listens to the presenter by ear, and then whispers the translation to an attendee)
- Consecutive interpretation is like memory training
- Simultaneous interpretation helps to build up Semantic Mapping tremendously
5 Types of Registers
a) Frozen Foam (cannot change in the way we say it)
b) Formal Foam (one directional speech)
c) Consultative (two-way, conversational)
d) Informal (Casual)
e) Intimate (languages between husband/wife, children)
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