Thursday, October 29, 2015

I only have ONE LIFE to live, therefore...

Pastor Bee Tin (Lean Jeanne)
Tabernacle Church of Singapore

God will not shortchange us. I believe all the leanings and experiences that we have are to be of use by God.

When I was struggling with 2 commercial job offers, Pr David gives me the advice below:
One cannot serve 2 masters
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬ NIV)

Tabernacle church emphasizes on hospitality, i.e. welcoming people to stay in the house for even more than a year.

How do you know which are the avenue God would like you to serve Him?
a) What do you see yourself in 2/5 years time? (VISION)
b) How are you going to achieve? What do you need to do? (MISSION)

I think the church is doing a good job in increasing the relevance of church to the society/world.

We go into full time not because we can't find a better job but we can and we are responding to His calling to serve Him. Do not have this kind of mindset to go into full time.

There is only one life so make sure my life truly counts

Directive counselling vs (indecisive counselling) 'Probing'/'Guiding' counselling
SOS counselling has a principle where you can't make decision for the person who is seeking help. So what I do was to keep asking questions like what do you think and analyse the pros and cons of the situation in the hope that the person would make a wise decision by himself or herself. But I believe there are correct/wrong decisions, good/bad decisions. For example: the addiction in drugs is bad and we need to stop it.

4 Tracts
1. Biblical
2 Management, leadership and spiritual
3. Counselling
4. Cross cultural

Meaning of Shortchange
- to give less than the correct change to.
- to deal with unfairly or dishonestly, especially to cheat.

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