Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is so invaluable about the time being in Oxford?

I have seen the life-changing of people from non-believers to believers. It is about relationships and friendships that we could share our weaknesses and strengths and therefore encourage one another. There were times where I could think of questions or faith issues in a much deeper way. It was a place where I could practice my belief in action by living out what I have learned from the words of God: led Bible study, helped others in personal matters, did washing ups willingly, had compassionate or deep understanding about the feelings of others. Many times it was about sacrificing and putting others’ needs first instead of fulfilling only my own desire. I shared and listened to the lives of one another. I was more “real” than ever before!

 Only a few days after losing the environment and friends in the UK, I started to be afraid that I might be "assimilated". Here, life is full of busyness and having people with different value (especially people in the business world). However I shall spend more time to pray and to think quietly so that hopefully I could face the challenges lying ahead of me.

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