Monday, April 23, 2012
約 翰 福 音 21
15 他 们 吃 完 了 早 饭 , 耶 稣 对 西 门 彼 得 说 : 约 翰 ( 在 太16 :17 称 约 拿 ) 的 儿 子 西 门 , 你 爱 我 比 这 些 更 深 麽 ? 彼 得 说 : 主 阿 , 是 的 , 你 知 道 我 爱 你 。 耶 稣 对 他 说 : 你 喂 养 我 的 小 羊 。
16 耶 稣 第 二 次 又 对 他 说 : 约 翰 的 儿 子 西 门 , 你 爱 我 麽 ? 彼 得 说 : 主 阿 , 是 的 , 你 知 道 我 爱 你 。 耶 稣 说 : 你 牧 养 我 的 羊 。
17 第 三 次 对 他 说 : 约 翰 的 儿 子 西 门 , 你 爱 我 麽 ? 彼 得 因 为 耶 稣 第 三 次 对 他 说 你 爱 我 麽 , 就 忧 愁 , 对 耶 稣 说 : 主 阿 , 你 是 无 所 不 知 的 ; 你 知 道 我 爱 你 。 耶 稣 说 : 你 喂 养 我 的 羊 。
18 我 实 实 在 在 的 告 诉 你 , 你 年 少 的 时 候 , 自 己 束 上 带 子 , 随 意 往 来 ; 但 年 老 的 时 候 , 你 要 伸 出 手 来 , 别 人 要 把 你 束 上 , 带 你 到 不 愿 意 去 的 地 方 。
19 耶 稣 说 这 话 是 指 着 彼 得 要 怎 样 死 , 荣 耀 神 。 说 了 这 话 , 就 对 他 说 : 你 跟 从 我 罢 !
20 彼 得 转 过 来 , 看 见 耶 稣 所 爱 的 那 门 徒 跟 着 , 就 是 在 晚 饭 的 时 候 , 靠 着 耶 稣 胸 膛 说 : 主 阿 , 卖 你 的 是 谁 ? 的 那 门 徒 。
21 彼 得 看 见 他 , 就 问 耶 稣 说 : 主 阿 , 这 人 将 来 如 何 ?
22 耶 稣 对 他 说 : 我 若 要 他 等 到 我 来 的 时 候 , 与 你 何 干 ? 你 跟 从 我 罢 !
23 於 是 这 话 传 在 弟 兄 中 间 , 说 那 门 徒 不 死 。 其 实 , 耶 稣 不 是 说 他 不 死 , 乃 是 说 : 我 若 要 他 等 到 我 来 的 时 候 , 与 你 何 干 ?
6 lessons:
1) Jesus sacrificial love even though Peter denied Jesus three times.
2) 你爱我比这些更深麽? Do you love Jesus more than other things else?
3) Jesus sees us as though we are sheep who are without a shepherd leading and guiding us.
4) How do you treat the failures of yourself/others? Jesus was giving affirmation 肯定。
5) Peter was comparing/competing with John when his turned his eyes away from Jesus
6) 你跟从我罢!Follow Jesus daily
Source: Sermon on 15th April 2012 by Deacon Wang Ren De
Sunday, April 22, 2012
CG Genesis Chapter 5
Very interesting understanding by Nanson during CG on 20th April 2012. Three very interesting insights are:
1) 歌 林 多 後 書 6:14 你 们 和 不 信 的 原 不 相 配 , 不 要 同 负 一 轭 。
Because only one line from Seth was good/right before God
the other descendents of Seth were probably being influenced by the descendents
of Cain.
2) Gen 5:1 VS Gen 5:3. Image of God vs Image of Adam. Image
of Adam was after the fall which is sinful.
3) Gen 5:29 indicates that Lamech (and family) was righteous
because he remembers the suffering was from the curse of God.
I think this is the song that was presented by the Wesley Tambourine Dance during Easter Sunday 2012. Nice song and dance!
To listen:
To listen:
Pin Hwa Camp March 2012
What an ironic day?
11 December 2011
I was driving as usual going to work at Westports. Using the same
roadway, I came out from my house, passed JJ and stopped at the t-junction’s
traffic light which making a u-turn in front would lead to Westports. This
morning I was listening quite attentively to the radio station BFM. However, usually
I would go for MyFm. I turned right at
the junction and headed towards Westports.
There are two lanes on the road. I was cutting out to the right lane in
order to speed up. In front of me was a lorry and I waited for a few cars
passed through then only was I able to move to the right lane. Speeding up and
following quite closely to the car in front. Just before the Shell Petrol
Station, suddenly and unexpectedly the car in front of me either pressed the
break paddle quite strongly or stopped the car on the spot. Fast observations of mine
realised that a few cars in front were not moving as well while the left lane
traffic was still flowing.
Without wasting time, I wanted to put my car into stop immediately.
Unfortunately, the distance was too short and the break system was not strong
enough for me to stop on time. Bang! I hit the Viva in front of me. Just a
couple of seconds between the time I was trying to stop and hitting the car in
front, I already knew that it was too late and I was sort of “prepared” for the
collision to happen. Fortunately, it was not a continuous accident where in
front of us there were two more cars involved but only one direct car involved.
Four cars in total where the second car hit the first whereas I was the fourth
and the last car hitting the third.
We parked our car at the petrol station so that it would not block the
traffic. Then, I went down from my car to see and find out about the situation. Under that
circumstance, I was shaking a bit. After discussion with the lady driver of Viva,
eventually we left the place. After I made an U-turn heading back home, white
smokes coming out from my car before I went out from Pulau Indah. Stopped for a
while to let my car cool down then only I continued driving back. Again white smoke coming
out due to my car water had dried up before I reached Jusco. Stopped at the road side
and waited for my dad. My dad came and we exchanged car and drove back
to the shop safely.
Just the day before, I was asked by my parents to go to SSM for their
business registration. But I refused straight away and it was a very rude
replied. Today the car accident happened. I was on emergency leave on the
accident day, ended up the same if not worse if I would have agreed to apply
leave to accompany my parents. What an ironic day…
What is so invaluable about the time being in Oxford?
I have seen the life-changing of people from non-believers to believers. It is about relationships and friendships that we could share our weaknesses and strengths and therefore encourage one another. There were times where I could think of questions or faith issues in a much deeper way. It was a place where I could practice my belief in action by living out what I have learned from the words of God: led Bible study, helped others in personal matters, did washing ups willingly, had compassionate or deep understanding about the feelings of others. Many times it was about sacrificing and putting others’ needs first instead of fulfilling only my own desire. I shared and listened to the lives of one another. I was more “real” than ever before!
Only a few days after losing the environment and friends in the UK, I started to be afraid that I might be "assimilated". Here, life is full of busyness and having people with different value (especially people in the business world). However I shall spend more time to pray and to think quietly so that hopefully I could face the challenges lying ahead of me.
Related blog:
My greatest life lesson/discovery/transformation in Oxford
“I have stepped through a door, and could not escape the new world I now inhabited.” – from the words of Alister McGrath (Real Scientists Real Faith, Berry, page 17, 2009). However I am not sure whether it is a new world or a world that has always been within me. I might have just taken notice about it or I was avoiding or disregarding my Heart. Certainly, it is just the beginning of the discovery or transformation.
As a matter of fact, there were many factors that encouraged this transformation. I would point out two of the key factors which were the people around me and the substantial amount of personal or quite time. The brothers and sisters in Christ were giving me a lot of supports to enable my growth. In particular my spiritual brother (spiritual father is more appropriate) – ML who was really himself striving to become more like Christ and also helping me to do so through leading Bible study, reading books, sharing gospel, having fellowships with friends, travelling together and serving at church. I believe God listened to my prayer by preparing a real friend to me which was beyond my imagination. Being a single and a student, I had more time to quite myself and reflect on myself. I have done many unimaginable things that I never ever would do when I was back in Malaysia: travelled to places (usually the whole day) just to meditate upon certain issues of my life, pasted letters on the wall of my bedroom so that I could reread and also put my thoughts into writings. Although it seemed to slow me down but it actually helped me to move on faster because I became more aware of the “whys” of doing something.
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