Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chest Pain 2015

05/12 - Felt chest pain when woke up at 6.40am. 1st opinion/treatment by Sri Kota Dr Lai. Did ECG, X-Ray & CT Scan. Dr confirmed not pneumothorax but muscle/bone pain. Felt pain especially when towards the end of breathing in. Dr advised to take more rest and gave pain-killer tablets.
06/12 - The pain was getting more intense. Increase in heartbeat/nervousness, sit down, kneel down, lie down, stand up, singing caused more severe pain.
07/12 - The level of pain was similar to 05/12 and can felt improvement (less pain) as the day passed. Sought 2nd opinion and confirmed not pneumothorax but muscle pain. Took 1 day MC.
08/12 - Back to work. The pain continued to improve and I felt pain only when taking deep breath.
09/12 - Felt mild pain only when taking deep breath.

Reflection & Moving Forward
a) Everything is under His control!
Started to see even minor things are out of my control
- Cancelled my high school friends dinner gathering on 05/12
- Not able to turn up for interpretation forum on 05/12
- Not able to attend choir practice and LCEC meeting on 06/12
- Had to let go of work in order to take MC on 07/12
- Impromptu arrangement to visit ZY's parents and sister on 07/12
- Wanted to give mandarin gospel track to Dr Lai but he told that he does not read mandarin & he is a Christian

b) Simplify my life moving forward
- Rebuild relationship with brother which has been pending for long
- Leave it or pretend nothing happen will cause more time and energy
- Go and do something about it
- Life will be simplified

c) Stop and Rest
- 30/11 to 04/12 was very busy at work. One day even worked till 11.30pm
- Took leave on 17/12 and 18/12 to clear leave.
- But I was "forced" to rest earlier on 05/12 to 07/12.
- Yet I treasure the moment of slowing down and reflection.
- Rest would also be part of my arrangement/priority regularly

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