Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Cooking One Blessing: DW & SS

Be very close to your advisors because they are experienced and see things from a bigger perspective
Do not have expectation on the task given to the task leader because you would become the leader over monitoring instead.
Family First
God uses weak people throughout the Bible.
Perhaps this is the time for your social skills to break through.
Pray that God would let your to capture the vision. The written vision is just words to express. More importantly is that God implants it in your heart.
Know people strengths and weaknesses and challenge them accordingly
In regards to balancing ministry, family and work, pray to God to use your time more effectively and wisely.
The biggest problem in our church is that we are always choosing and doing something that we are certain that it can be achieved.
Maybe not to be called discipleship but fellowship/gathering/hang out
Weakness in social is to be forced to take initiative and courage to break through
SS is already doing discipleship and DW considers to venture more in this area and HZ has the similar burden – invest in the future

• You will get to know yourself more as your know the Creator better
• How English CG helps to revive Chinese CG? One way Chinese CG could help is to continue to be enthusiastic and let the flame burn on Eng CG again.
• Next year would be an interesting year where church would encounter insufficient income to cover expenses. Perhaps this is a test of putting our trust on God.
• When you do something out of your comfort zone this is where the true test of relying on God comes in.
• What is more important? Successfully running an activity vs Growing more closer to God in running the activity. End results vs Processes.
• President has to take core of EXCO’s spiritual life. During time of downs, advisors could assist to take up the role.
• It’s not about the position but the submission of yourself to God.
• As the clay, we are to be submissive to the Potter to mould us.

Source: Dinner on 24th September, sharing by DW & SS

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