Sunday, July 26, 2009

Employable VS Interest

For Employable - Always choose courses that can guarantee you a job in the future
1) What is the use if you cannot get a job after you have graduated?
2) Not wise to invest but with low/no/negative return
3) Education is extremely expensive

For Interest - Always go for the one that you are most/more interested in
1) It can last long
2) Meaningless or even torture to do something that you are not interested for years
3) Happiness and meaningful in doing the job

For me i think interest prevails employable in some circumstances because:
1) You will always perform better if you are interested in it
2) Better performance also helps you to be employable:)

IF you can choose to study a course that you are interested in and at the same time it can ensure a employable future, isn't this even better?

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