- Ovary 軟巢
- Uterus 子宫
- Switch 开关
- Fart 放屁
- Taken aback 吃了一惊
- Sneeze 打喷嚏
- Set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
- Successfully concluded 圆满地结束
- Dusk 黄昏
- Anthropomorphic 拟人化 (Biblical statements about God’s jealousy are anthropomorphism)
- Hangover 宿醉 (a severe headache caused by excessive drinking of alcohol)
- 插花 flower arrangement
- Forensic 法庭的
- Constituent 有选举权 (the constituent body has a right to veto)
- Allege 声称/断言
- Veto 否决
- 歇斯底里 (形容因情绪过分激动而举止失常 )hysteria (A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria)
- Galvanize (electrify) 镀锌 (Du Xin)
- soteriology 救赎论