Saturday, March 25, 2017

Chest Pain March 2017

Today (1/2)...
- Felt mild and continuous chest pain at right hand side same as my right hand (on and off feeling tightness) when woke up 530am (partly due to chest not feeling comfortable I woke up)
- Did ECG, cheat X-ray, CT Scan and Echo Stress Test

A Week ago....
20/3 - Company dinner with customer in PJ: Imagining my future, I don't want to be like them drinking, karaoke, forces me to think how can I live life to the fullest

21/3 - After slept for an hour, I woke up mid night (12.30am) and spent about 2 hours updating my CV. The same day at night, I sent my CV to Focus on the Family indicating my interest in the volunteer and employment opportunity.

21/3 PM - CD4 Yum Cha
22/3 PM - Dumpling Committee Meeting
23/3 PM - Serving as a translator for adults Chinese CGs
19/3 - Edification training and text translation for English CGs
18/3 - wedding ceremony and dinner coordinator

Chest Pain History (10 times?)
1. Mar 2017
2. Dec 2015 - Muscle/Bone pain (5 days)
3. Apr 2009 - Bubble burst
4. Mar 2009
5. Nov 2008 - Pneumothorax (7 days)
"I could not remember this was my 4th of 5th time already in having this chest pain."
6. 2007 - Sri Kota got record my pneumothorax at the left side
7. 2005 - Sri Kota got record my pneumothorax at the left side

Today (2/2)...

1. Flag & Birds
- flying freely in the air
- reminds me about Holy Spirit
- I prayed that may the Holy Spirit leads me to wherever and whatever course to take that I may live freely/abundantly to the fullest

2. What is the mask Lord, You wanna peel it off from me?

- A friend from the U.K., 薇薇 once told me about: 1) 我可以为你做什么? 2) 想事情可以往四个方向来想:前、后、左、右

- 前: Perhaps I am too forward looking in "doing" many things. Frontward-looking-time.

- 后: Can learn to ask more "WHY" in order to find out the linkage or relationships of one thing and another. Backward-looking-time

- 左: What is relationship with "PROPLE" & impact towards people?

- 右: What is the relationship with "THINGS"/"ENVIRONMENT" and impact towards it?

- perhaps the Lord would like me to peel off the blocking doors of "后”, ”左”,”右”

Form the reading book : Seeking God in the crucible of ministry
Crucible = a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.

Computerized Tomography (CT) scan


Electrocardiography (ECG)

Echo Stress Test

- a patient who attends a hospital for treatment without staying there overnight.

- a patient who lives in hospital while under treatment.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hao Han (Alvis) & Ai Lee (Valerie) Holy Matrimony 18.03.2017



1) 以神的中心的婚姻

2) 家庭制度与模式 : 一男一女,一夫一妻,一生一世

3) 目的是为了荣神益人

Source: Sharing by Pr John L., 18.03.2017