Real worship
- always starts from God reminding us who He is
- points people to God
- will see change/transformation of people
1) Listen to God
- First you must have a close relationship with God
- Pray intentionally
- Worship theme (focus on one aspect of God
- Sermon passage (to begin with)
- Season
- General needs
- Personal experience
The Prodigal son: father
runs (dignity and pull up robe) – Be specific!
2) Pave the way
- Pray for congregation
- Remove hindrances and disturbances (nothing goes on on stage 20 min
before service starts)
- Provide a conclusive environment (ppt shows instructions how to prepare,
for example by reading Psalms 33)
- Church decoration instead of putting flowers can put something
symbolic or more meaning full. Symbols of Christ on Christmas tree and explain
to the congregation
3) Point to God
- Tell the worship theme
- Explain
- Support/Illustrate
- Connects knowledge and heart (eg: God is holy but God allows us to
come to him)
- Begin well / Open well
Chasing shadow:
God does not change as shifting shadow
A glass of water spills
accidentally: God does not say Oops
4) Help them respond together
- Song/music is a language that can be learnt
- We want to expand the area in the middle, win-win situation
5) Ensure clear, smooth flow
- Link everything around the theme
- Say something to link the programme after and before
Source: Worship Workshop by Dr Myrleene Grace Yap, 09 March 2013