Saturday, March 7, 2015


A) What is DISCIPLESHIP / T4T 门徒栽培 / 训练训练者?
Who can tell me what is discipleship?
The word disciple means “a learner”
A learner or student who accepts the teaching of Christ, not only in belief but also in lifestyle.
We use the word “trainer” to denote that the follower of Jesus should be like his Master and emulate Him in all respects. 
Too often, our current understanding of the word “disciple” or the phrase “being disciple” connotes an idea of receiving not giving. 
Jesus taught His followers to pass on all they received.
Teaching conveys the idea of transferring knowledge but training conveys the idea of changing behavior.
Discipleship is the process of obeying the teaching of Christ and passing on to others who can train others.

B) Why?
The Great Commission 大使命
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

1. GO, not come 去

2. EVERYONE (all nations), not just some 所有人

3. Make DISCIPLES, not just church members 门徒

C) Who?
Criteria for selecting a discipleship candidate:
Faithful to previous commitments
Have time to meet
Don’t sit around waiting for action
Willing to learn
Heart for God
Passionate to grow

D) How?

The MAWL Process
(M) Model : I do; you watch
(A) Assist : We do
(W) Watch : You do; I watch
(L) Leave : You do; someone new watches 
(the process begins again)

Source: Sharing at MIF on 06.03.2015 on the topic of Discipleship

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