Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dignity Redeemed 尊严得赎金研习会 - Christian Response to Homosexuality (4/5)

Plenary 1 : Christian Response to Homosexuality
a) Convicted
·         Homosexual is not the worst sin
·         Our sin is just as odious可憎的

We feel disgusted about 2 men together but is not this a fraction of how God looks at my sins? We need to be more disgusted towards our own sins.

b) Consistent
·         Regarding relationship: Marriage is a gift, singleness is a gift
Spiritual gifts are given by God not what we choose
Marriage is a blessing but not at the expense of singleness.
Until we reclaim the biblical singleness, we aren’t ready to address the issue of homosexuality
·         Regarding sexuality: Holy sexuality
God’s standard of sexuality is not heterosexuality but holy.
·         Regarding change: Change is not the absence of struggles, but change is the freedom to choose holiness in the midst of our struggles

c) Compassionate
·         Expect this is present in our churches (We all suffer and struggle with our sins so we journey together)
·         Know our position
·         Assurance of friendship (anything you say won’t change our friendship, then it will foster safe place and security)
·         Zero-tolerance for bullying (words are powerful to build up and to tear down)

d) Complete
·         Focus on Truth
1 Corinthians 6
11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
·         Be redemptive
·         Christian with homosexual feelings
o   Thank them to open up to share their struggles
o   Not alone
o   Identity in Christ
o   Be realistic
If you still struggle, you don’t have enough faith. This is unbiblical. Actually when you really submit to God, things get more difficult.
o   Don’t focus too much on externals
o   Encourage God honoring same-sex friendships
·         LGBT friends
o   DO NOT compare to addiction, pedophilia, murder and etc.
o   DO NOT say “lifestyle” or “choice”
Morality issue VS Identity issue. They view this as who they are (identity)
o   DO NOT say “love the sinner hate the sin”
Live out. Just love them, do not need to tell.
o   DO NOT debate, “defend truth”
Christians are more ready to debate than to share Christ.
o   DO pray (and fast)
o   DO listen
o   DO be intentional
o   DO be patient and persistent
o   DO be transparent

Words of reminder/encouragement
·         Q: Do you think this is a sin?
·         A: I value our friendship more than debating.
·         I wouldn’t have considered the gospel if I didn’t see the gospel lived out in my parents’ lives! I left homosexual relationship not because this is bad but I found something that is better – the relationship with Jesus.

Source: Dignity Redeemed 尊严得赎金研习会by Dr CY, 13 & 14 March 2015

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