Saturday, July 2, 2016

Discipling Post Modern Youth: Issues & Challenges

1) Revisiting Postmoderns’ (POMOs) Issues

a) Their Nicknames…
- Starbucks Generation (wanting a holistic experience)
- Entitled Generation (weekend parents who give in, compensate & have lost discipline, children are the centre of everything)
- Abandoned Generation (parented by their grandparents or maids)

b) Their Rocky Travels
- Travel with disillusionment (finding their idols have clay feet, fail them)
- Travel without anchor (estranged from God)
- Travel with missing pieces (haven’t found themselves their identity, not enough safe place)

c) Oddyssying with Them
- Disciple making in the midst…

2) Discipling Issues Unraveled
~Mathetes~ - Learner, Pupil
J.I. Packer: “Jesus said feed my sheep, not my giraffes!”

a) D’Textbook Disconnect
- Systematic Erosion: life is erratic (不稳定), our systematic syllabus, feel hollow & irrelevant
- Sterile Contamination: the messes of their lives, contaminate our clean sterile messages about God
- ‘Shock’ Phobia: we tell them without words, “no shock” allowed, get cleaned up and then only come in

b) Crisis-Oriented Discipling
- We see crisis as a blot to be solved: it becomes an end itself
- We become crisis-busters-seeing our role as putting out “fires”
- Forgetting that our role is to set them on a journey: with new anchor, new mindsets, new values, new purpose

c) Life, Our School Ground
- learners, pupils using the materials & syllabuses of their lives
- disciple-maker ~ the road sign, the facilitator, the connector
- a classroom of one is preferred ~ where each learner gets individual attention

3) A Re-Examination of our Discipling
1 Chronicles 28
Esther 2:5-7; 3:5-9; 4:7-17

a) David’s Boost to Solomon
- Giving up his personal agenda
- Sacrificial company
- Commending the Lord’s presence

b) Mordecai’s Pricking to Esther
- Providing a safe place for her nurture
- He spoke with his lifestyle ~ picked her to act
- Pointed to the Lord’s acting & showed that the current reality did not nullify that

c) Making Shifts in our Discipline Making
- From informing to making
- From activity to relationship
- From accumulative to deploying
- From program to purpose

4) Our ‘Incarnational’ Vocation
To provide an arena where SPIRITUAL COMPANIONING can take place

a) One disciple at a time
b) Schooling without a ‘right’ textbook
c) Willing to get feet, hands & heart dirty
d) Searching for, pointing to and becoming road signs to God
e) Helping them put out anchors

Source: By Annette Arulrajah organized by Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) on 25th June 2016

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