Saturday, October 6, 2012

YM Election

Last year, I was approached and therefore considering the treasurer post. I was thinking and could only make up my mind during the day of election. On that day itself, I wanted to inform the president (DW) about this because previously I have been texting him that I am still considering but he had prayer with committees therefore didn’t able to talk to him. So my name was nominated and elected without formal agreeing to be nominated. Anyway I was thinking about yes or no in 2011. In year 2012, “yes” came earlier but different things happened.

There were a lot of thoughts running (and still) in my mind ever since I went to the nomination meeting. In me, there were many uncertainties, fears, ideas, challenges, emotions, questions and answers flowing in and out.

I would like to just share about yesterday. My mind just could not calm down because it was in a very tension mode and was beyond my control. In contradiction, two thoughts were fighting with one another. On one hand, I was thinking what are the things going to happen if I am elected. On the other hand, I was imagining the disappointment that I would feel if I am not elected. I do not know why these two thoughts kept appearing to me and I would say they are not right because I think my pride has led me into these thoughts.

I prayed and requested God to take away these opposing thoughts because it was certainly uncomfortable. Soon after the prayer, a song that I have been listening to came to me and I sang slowly and meditated on the lyrics:

“Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.

This, the pow'r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross.”

Jesus chose to come to the earth and walked the journey of the cross. The OBEDIENCE of Jesus struck me. OBEY was like the key opening the doors of the two opposing feelings. Thank God for his example that we are reminded on the lesson of obey. When I chose to obey God, these thoughts were no longer able to get hold of me. However, I have to admit that these thoughts were still disturbing me even during the day of election when I was a bit relaxed on “obeying”. Is not this a process of obeying God instead of a destination? Let us not cease in obeying.

Also, would like to thank Rev Yeo for his sharing and encouragement. Two elections were held in the Book of Acts – the replacement over the apostolic ministry (Acts 1) and the choosing of the seven (Acts 6). From the latter, we learn that the criteria were:
1)      Good reputation – Good relationship with people
2)      Full of the Spirit – In accordance to God’s will not men
3)      Full of wisdom – Capabilities

The first point mentioned really is my weakness, if not the weakest one. Please forgive me especially in this weak area and seeking your love and compassion to assist one another. However, I have learned (still learning) that this weakness of mine have been reminding me that I have weakness and I need to be humble and relying on Him. We shall not be mastered by fear because God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

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