Sunday, April 22, 2012

My greatest life lesson/discovery/transformation in Oxford

Giving only one word to describe, it would be “HEART”. It is about listening to my heart, hearing the voice from within. Two examples of relationships would show how my “heart” is no longer the same as before. Firstly, I have started asking myself whether my devotion and praying were just outward actions that did not connect to my Heart – relationship with God. I would say not praying or not having quite time is the same as praying or devotion without Heart if not worse. Secondly, I am grateful to my friend (WW) who gave me a very practical question when it comes to the relationships with people. The question was “what can I do for you?”. Though it sounds simple but it is so powerful that can drive me to think from the perspectives of others.

 “I have stepped through a door, and could not escape the new world I now inhabited.” – from the words of Alister McGrath (Real Scientists Real Faith, Berry, page 17, 2009). However I am not sure whether it is a new world or a world that has always been within me. I might have just taken notice about it or I was avoiding or disregarding my Heart. Certainly, it is just the beginning of the discovery or transformation.

 As a matter of fact, there were many factors that encouraged this transformation. I would point out two of the key factors which were the people around me and the substantial amount of personal or quite time. The brothers and sisters in Christ were giving me a lot of supports to enable my growth. In particular my spiritual brother (spiritual father is more appropriate) – ML who was really himself striving to become more like Christ and also helping me to do so through leading Bible study, reading books, sharing gospel, having fellowships with friends, travelling together and serving at church. I believe God listened to my prayer by preparing a real friend to me which was beyond my imagination. Being a single and a student, I had more time to quite myself and reflect on myself. I have done many unimaginable things that I never ever would do when I was back in Malaysia: travelled to places (usually the whole day) just to meditate upon certain issues of my life, pasted letters on the wall of my bedroom so that I could reread and also put my thoughts into writings. Although it seemed to slow me down but it actually helped me to move on faster because I became more aware of the “whys” of doing something.

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