Thursday, September 8, 2016

CAC MYF Youth Conference 2016

- Sports/Exercise would release 'Happy' Hormone (Endorphin)
- 默想神的话 (after hormone level balance)
- Not to say too much but just journeying / spend time accompanying
- The word of God as medicine 喜乐乃良药
- 找一个可信的人journey together
- 要去解决那件未了的事/心结
- 重要的是帮助病患者在困境当中呼求神
Family Issues (Fatherhood)
- 40% of all children do not live with their biological fathers.
- 85% of children with behavioural problems from come from fatherless homes
- 90% of homeless children come from fatherless homes
- 71% of children who do not finish school come from fatherless homes
- 63% of suicides come from fatherless homes

1) How should a father's authority be like God's authority?
Deuteronomy 6:1-2, 4-9

2) What are some important aspects of communicating identity to a child?
2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 1 John 3:1

3) What are the types of security fathers need to provide for their families?
Psalms 27, Proverbs 18:10

4) Why does the opinion of the father matter so much to a child fulfilling their potential?
John 14:12, 20:21 & 2 Chronicles 5:20, 6:1

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