Sunday, April 19, 2015

Answering NO to any of these questions will kill your evangelism!

Mark 6:34, 8:2
John 3:11, 4:22

1. Compassion 怜悯
Do we care if people are dying without faith in Jesus Christ?
Compassionate in 2 areas: spiritually and physically

2. Culture 文化/认识
Do we understand why people reject the gospel?

Francis Schaffer, “If I have one hour to spend would someone, I would spend 55 minutes asking questions finding out what was troubling the individual and then the last 5 minutes answering those questions.”

3. Content 内容
Do we know what the good news is that we're sharing?

4. Confidence 把握/自信
Do we believe that God really saves sinners?

Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

5. Commitment 委身
Do we believe God has given us the responsibility of evangelism?

6. Calling/Challenge 呼召/挑战
Are we wiling to ask someone to repent and believe, and then disciple them in the faith?
Response/Challenge/Invitation to accept Christ

Source: Sharing by RY on 19.04.2015

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