First thing to do: Call Jobcentre
Jobcente Plus NI Allocation Service
0845 600 0643, 8am-6pm, Monday-Friday
You could be asked: (be prepared)
-Reason applying for National Insurance Number
-Full name (as in your password)
-Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
-Full address and post code of where you are currently living
-Nationality and passport number
-Type of UK visa
-Contact number
After the telephone call, you should will be given:
1) Reference number
2) Head Office's contact number (01983273014)
You details will be sent to 'Head Office', and you should get reply within 7 days to inform you whether you will get applicaiton form by postal or attend a EOI (Evidence of Identity) interview. You should contact the head office if no reply after 7 days.
(For my case, I received the application form by post on the 8th day after making the call)
Sample of some of the decuments received by post:

After 2 weeks of posting the application, I received my NIN.

After getting the NIN for about 2 months, a national insurance number card will be sent to you.